A Results Driven Collection Agency
I Have Received a Call or Letter From a Collection Agency
I’ve received a call/notice in error. It’s addressed to John Smith, but it’s not the right John Smith?
We recommend that you contact our office to confirm the identity of the account that we have listed. Proving your date of birth and any other information as requested will often clear up any confusion.
I’ve received a notice in the mail, but it’s addressed to someone who doesn’t live here any longer?
Mark “moved” on the envelope and return it to our office.
I don’t owe this bill, it’s already paid?
We ask that you forward proof of payment to our office via email or fax for us to investigate.
I’ve received a call/notice, but I work during NRC business hours. Can we communicate in writing?
Complete the below request and we will have an agent reach out to you via your preferred method of communication.
I’ve received a call/notice, but I work shift work and would like a representative to call me on a specific day/time?
Complete the below request and we will try and accommodate your request.